The Sleep Sense Philosophy

The Sleep Sense™ Method was created out of a strong belief that healthy sleep habits make for healthy children. A well-rested child is curious, energetic, happy, playful, and eager to learn.

When parents entrust me as their child’s “sleep guide,” either through one-on-one consultations or seminars, they are placing a great deal of trust in me, and I want to let you know that I take this responsibility very seriously.

While most books and programs dealing with child sleep issues take philosophical stands (based largely around the issue of “crying it out”, which you can read more about in my blog post here), I believe that your child’s sleep is more important than my personal views on this subject. That’s why the Sleep Sense™ Method places so much emphasis on accommodating different parenting styles. The bottom line is that you, as a parent, need to be comfortable with your new sleep plan in order for it to work for your child!

My approach to improving your child’s sleep is pretty simple:

  1. I’ll give you honest information about WHY sleep is so important for your child’s well-being. (This will give you all the motivation you need to make changes to your child’s sleep habits.)
  2. I’ll lay out an easy-to-follow, step-by-step plan that lets you make some choices about what is the right approach for your child. (All children are different, and nobody knows your child better than you do. I encourage you to use your knowledge of your child to customize his or her sleep plan.)
  3. I’ll show you how to measure success. (No, you shouldn’t expect your child to sleep 12 uninterrupted hours on the first night — although it does happen! I’ll tell you what you should expect along the way…)

If you have any questions at all about the philosophy behind the Sleep Sense™ Method, please don’t hesitate to ask! I can be reached by email at  or by telephone at +1.604.984.0116

Leslie Black
Certified Sleep Sense™ Consultant


Praise for the Sleep Sense™ Philosophy

Why didn’t we try this sooner?! As we speak he is sound asleep in his crib – and has been since 7.15 pm. We are so pleased to get the evenings to ourselves again, and Tinius – who has always been a very happy boy – is even more happy now!
— Karianne Wanggaard

I would like to say a huge ‘Thank You’ to you. Your system is well explained and well researched and has worked wonders in our house. It is like Hana is saying ‘Thank You Mammy – I really needed this’, she is so happy since we began.
— Fiona O’Connor

I just want to share that I am THRILLED with your program! We are now into the 2nd month and even in the very beginning he is sleeping 11-12+ hours straight through the night!
— Stephanie

I followed all of your instructions and my 2-year old was sleeping through the night (in his own room) in less than a week. I don’t have to tell you what a difference it has made in our household. We are all sleeping again and my son’s overall disposition has improved.
— Christie O’Toole